Thursday, July 19, 2012


 Here are some pictures from the past month.  Not too much has been going on- it's too hot to have anything going on.  I've tried to keep the girls inside as much as possible.  It's unreal how hot it is.  Needless to say- we are extra excited to see some snow this winter!!!  :)  Emily is growing like a weed!  She has 6 teeth now and is offically army crawling everywhere.  Lexi is as crazy as ever!  She is doing a gymnastics class at a local community center.  It's nothing too serious, but she loves it just the same!  It's a good way to get some energy out! 
We were able to spend a few days in Iowa over the 4th.  The girls & I are going over this weekend, for my grandma's birthday party and my mom's birthday.  So happy to be able to be there to celebrate now that we live closer!  Then the next weekend we are taking a short vacation to Kansas City w/the girls.  We decided a vacation w/kids this little is not worth spending a whole lot of money on.  But we still wanted to get away and just have a couple days to enjoy time as a family.  We are looking forward to it!!

 Feeding ducks w/Daddy!
 No fear!!!
 Snuggles w/Dad.
 We had some visitors.  We were able to go to the zoo w/them before the temperatures got too out of hand.

 4th of July
 She was a happy girl to just sit in the shade during the parade.
This poor girl... it was so hot!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Catching up

 Obviously the blog has gotten left behind a little lately.  Sorry!  We are now moved to Omaha and settled in to our apartment.  We are loving our new church and quickly learning our way around town.  The girls are sharing a room and Lexi is slowly getting used to that.  It's been a pretty big adjustment.  We are so thankful to the Lord for so graciously providing for us and taking care of us.  Watching His hand at work is pretty awesome!!
Here are some pictures.  I know that's why you look at this anyway.  :)  Emily is changing all the time.  Her 9 month birthday was yesterday.  I'm anxious to get her stats at her 9 month check-up.  And Lexi, well she is as cute as ever! 
Mike & I celebrated our 6yr anniversary this past Sunday.  I cannot believe how fast time goes.  And how gracious the Lord has been to us.  We have been so blessed!

 Decorating Easter Eggs

 Beautiful matching babies!

 Mother's Day.  I am such a blessed mom!!
 "playing together"

Sunday, February 12, 2012


These are just a couple pictures from January. The ones of Lexi are from a day she decided to talk to my mom. I was laughing so hard at her. She kept moving positions. Oh my- it was so cute!! The last few are of Emily. Just because! :) Enjoy!

Our baby is 3!

I don't understand how it's possible. Our sweet baby girl is 3. Where has time gone? I want it back!! What a privilege & joy it has been to be her parents the past 3 years. She has brought so much joy & laughter to our home. Maybe a little frustration & stress too. But mostly joy! :) I was never sure you would get the potty training thing down. But like they say- we are looking back, laughing at it now. I can't imagine a life without princess dolls & clothes, Dora the Explorer, lots & lots of singing, suckers, lip gloss, donuts, Curious George, Mickey Mouse, & tea parties. You are so beautiful and smart. You say some of the funniest things! You love your baby sister with all your heart. Mom & Dad love you so, so much! We are the luckiest parents in the world!
Sweet, 1 day old Alexia Joy
1st Birthday2nd BirthdayOpening presentsOur big 3yr old!We were able to have a friends party this year! And of course- it was a princess theme.Making crowns.presents!Happy Birthday sweet Lexi!!

Christmas in Iowa

As usual, our time in Iowa went by so fast! And I hardly took any pictures. I'm blaming it on my post-pregnancy brain! :) Lexi was extremely disappointed there was no snow. She was certain it wouldn't be Christmas until it snowed. Well- it never snows in TN, so then she decided it would snow in Iowa. And it didn't. What are the chances?? So we were a little bummed about the weather this year. Maybe next year...
Playing minute-to-win it games at Gaga Nean's.
Gaga & the girls.At Gaga Shell's house. Rocking w/Natalie.Valerie taking care of Emily.Great Grandma Septer w/the girls.Papa Steve & his mini-me. Mike & I think Emily has a lot of the same mannerisms as my dad.