Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas time is here...

Since we were in Iowa over Thanksgiving weekend, we were a little late getting our tree up. Lexi had some practice at Papa & Gaga's, so she was a pro when it came time to decorate ours! It's been fun getting the house ready for Christmas with her. She is such a great helper!!

Getting some help from daddy.

Her "spot" for all the ornaments.

Getting ready to make her 1st gingerbread house.


This would be Lexi singing/dancing. Crazy, crazy child!
Such a daddy's girl!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving Pt. 2

These are the pictures from our time in Iowa. We enjoyed getting to spend so much time w/family!
Lexi LOVES Parker!!!
Helping Gaga w/laundry.
watching t.v. in the laundry basket.
waiting for Jeremy, Christie, Madi, Parker & Lily to get to Gaga's!

putting "make-up" on Papa!

Her favorite hiding spot was in the pantry. Madi & Paker played along w/her!

Mike getting some snuggles w/Lily.
Lexi loving on Lily. She did lots of that!!
We got to help decorate the tree!

putting the star on.
cute kids!!


Thanksgiving this year was not what we were expecting. The Monday of Thanksgiving week, Mike's grandpa Grimes went in for open heart surgery. Due to complications from an aneurysm, he passed away Monday evening. This was totally unexpected. We booked a flight to KC on Monday night and arrived in Iowa on Tuesday afternoon. The first couple days were very surreal. While it wasn't the outcome any of us expected, we are totally confident in the Lord's plan. We know, without any hesitation, that grandpa is in heaven. He is loudly praising our Lord. Mike & I learned some things we never knew about him. He had a simple, yet deep love for the Lord. He loved to talk to others about Him. There was no fear in sharing the gospel. What a lesson for Mike & I to take away from all of this. I think we were both convicted of our fear of man and desire to have the boldness to proclaim the gospel!

Our time with family was very bittersweet. We were able to meet our sweet niece Lily a month earlier than we had planned. We got to spend quality time with Mike's parents and his sister & her family. We got to be with extended family that we really haven't been around for awhile. Most importantly, we were able to celebrate grandpa's life. How lucky is he? His faith is now sight! We long for the day we are able to join him in worshiping the Lord forever!


The start of November was pretty normal. Mike started getting ready for the Christmas concert at church. We started doing a little Christmas shopping. We enjoyed the 70 degree weather. :) We watched lots of football. The pictures just give you an idea what Lexi's been up to.
Never enough toys.
Watching videos
Sleepy little bear
Walking around in Daddy's shoes.

She usually wears clothes, I promise! I think she was getting ready for bed & decided she wanted to put her boots on instead.
What a face!

Our little Herky

Watching football... giving mom some attitude.
This is a mix of a grumpy/tired face. It's pathetic!!