Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Lovin on Papa Steve
I'm going to guess baseball was on t.v. or something... Uncle Chad got a little distracted. :)
Lexi Bear & Uncle Tom
Sharing all sorts of secrets w/Abby
This girl loves books!!
She also loves being outside... everything is so new & exciting!


Lexi & Great Grandma Septer
more loving!
Valerie loved reading stories to Lexi

This is Lexi's newest headband. The picture does not do it justice... it is too cute for words!!
And since we've been home...
We've been reading even more books! (Notice that she is touching it w/her foot. Sometimes she will touch things w/her feet before her hands. Maybe she's part monkey??)
A sippy cup has been introduced. She doesn't really know what to make of it... not sure about the water that comes out of it.
Song time w/Daddy. She even sang along for part of it!
Before Daddy went on his trip, he buzzed his hair. Lexi has discovered how much fun it is to touch now.

We are now entering all sorts of mood-swings.
We have happy...
and sad...
and clingy...
And her shirt below sums up the reason for the moods. I guess she isn't our cuddly little baby anymore. Time goes by way to fast!

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